Zone Picking Revolution: Predictable high picking performance
Your manual picking workforce can now be complemented with robotic picking workforce improving and stabilizing the zone picking performance at your desired level.
Reasons to invest
- You would benefit from being less dependent on manual labor in your existing zone picking setup.
- You would benefit from stabilizing the picking performance and accuracy.
- You would benefit from a lower and predictable picking operation cost.
What you get
- An opportunity to expand your zone picking team with robotic workforce.
Items to pick
- Smaller, non-fragile, suction cup friendly items. Items not larger than 25 cm and less than 3 kg is a good fit.
- The robot can have an average of up to 450 picks per hour in a typical zone picking station.
- Work shifts of up to 22 hours a days, 7 days a week is possible.

- The robot is designed for zone picking meaning retrofit is possible.
- One advantage of this robot is that you can pause its operation at any time and switch to manual labor for item picking.
- Not optimal for humans, but you prevent critical stops in your production.
- It does require picking from bins, so some modifications to the rack setup are necessary, along with a system for replenishment.
WMS/IT integration
- The robot is designed to receive the same type of picking commands as manual labor, such as “Pick this/these items and confirm when done.”
- The only difference is that a human typically can handle any exceptions by itself, while the robot would eventually call for help (online help or physical help).
Business case
- Stable high and predictable piece picking performance.
- Accuracy and reduction in picking errors.
- low and predictable cost.
- Up to 50% reduction in manual labor.
- Any automation projects includes risks trust in the solution being the biggest.
- Our solutions do not block for a manual labor takeover at any time for any reasons reducing the risk off critical production stops while waiting for the right service personnel (own or others).